Your Role Is To Play
I had an experience last night where I got to practice finding the fun in a painful moment. I went to bed with some unusual pain near my pelvis. I had a couple of negative thoughts about “what was wrong.” Then I made the choice to trust that all was well with my body. In the middle of the night I woke up in severe pain. Whoa! What the heck was going on? The scary thoughts came again. I went to worst-case scenarios in ten seconds flat! I knew I could make a different choice. I decided to have some fun and use my Inner Magician.
Shattered Assumptions – A Growth Period That Teaches Us to Be More LovingBecause life is full of abrupt twists and turns, these assumptions, which form our belief systems, are often shattered. This causes intense emotional pain that consumes every atom and molecule in our body leaving us writhing in despair, with nowhere to turn for comfort.