Does Your Office Look and Feel Support Your Business Intentions?
From 1994 through 2013 I worked out of my home. Like many homebased business owners, I prided myself on the fact that the walk from my bedroom to my office was a very short distance. This all changed when I moved my business out of my home to an office space a few miles from away. The greatest advantage to making this change is the clear separation of home and business.
Greatness Journey: Lessons From A Missing TicketI have learnt to always keep my tickets till the destination. We are constantly on a journey in life and no matter our destination- success, wealth, fame or true greatness, there is always a ticket that permits our thoroughfare.. It is easy to lose the ticket, to lose, roughen, ruffle it or throw it away especially if it is a long trip and believe me, it usually is a long journey to anything worthwhile, even Nelson Mandela’s book title describes it as a Long Walk To Freedom.. No matter where you are heading, keep your dreams. Your Dream is your ticket anywhere you would rather be, and like your ticket, it validates your reasons to be on-board the bus heading to your great destination and with God’s grace, we will arrive safely. Enjoy your Journey to Greatness!