Abundance Accelerator ▸ LOA Affirmations for Prosperity ▸ Create an Abundance Mindset

For best results, listen to this recording daily for 21 days. Repeat the affirmations in your mind or out loud. Change your thoughts and you will change your life.

Affirmations in this video:
I am prosperous
I am getting richer by the minute
I am understanding how to be rich
I am understanding how to be prosperous
I am understanding how to be abundant
I am understanding how to make more money quickly
I am understanding that my thoughts create my reality
I am understanding that I have the power to change my life
I am understanding that I can be whoever I want to be
I am now understanding that I can have whatever I want to have
I am now understanding how to allow more money into my life
I am now understanding how the law of the universe work
I am now understanding how to utilize the law of attraction to work for me
I am now understanding that money is only a vibration
I am now understanding that I only have to match the energy of money to bring more to me
I am allowing my vibration to match abundance
I am allowing my vibration to match prosperity
I am allowing my vibration to match wealth
I am allowing more money into my life
I am allowing riches to flow to me now
I am allowing abundance to surround me now
I am allowing prosperity to fill my life now
I am allowing money to fill my bank account now
I am wealth
I am health
I am happy
I am vibrant
I am alive
I am now attracting abundance
I am now attracting prosperity
I am now attracting money
I am now attracting riches
I am now attracting a better life
I am now attracting the things I really want
I am now attracting money into my life
The law of attraction is working in my favor
The doors of abundance are open to me
I am the creator of an abundant life
My life is beaming with love and abundance
My life is beaming with happiness
I choose to be happy
My life is in the flow of money and abundance
My life is in the flow of happiness and joy
My life is in the flow of love
I attract good things to me now
I attract positive and loving souls to me now
I am giving back
I am happily giving to others
I love being able to do for others
My life is in a constant state of ease and flow
My financial abundance over flows out into the world
I am giving and receiving money and abundance
I am giving and receiving love and joy
Abundance is now mine
I am now living a beautiful and creative life

Books that have helped me on my self improvement journey:
» The Magic of Believing: https://amzn.to/2w1QuTr
» The Power of Your Subconscious Mind: https://amzn.to/2EeuB7Q
» Getting Into The Vortex: Guided Meditations CD and User Guide: https://amzn.to/2HojgUZ
» The Silva Mind Control Method: https://amzn.to/2EecAXh
» Money, and the Law of Attraction: https://amzn.to/2EcSFYG
» Ask and It Is Given: https://amzn.to/2LWKG8O

▸ Spoken words by Emily Rhinier (Unlimited You)
▸ Nature footage filmed by the Unlimited You team
▸ Music Stock Media provided by jjessep / Pond5 (Inner Calm)


High Vibes Affirmations ▸ Have High Vibrations All Day! https://youtu.be/HN-SgbYfSc4
Affirmations for BEING the Best Version of YOU https://youtu.be/DJbNUhaZnXU
Healthy, Wealthy, Loved ▸ Affirmations that can Change Your Life https://youtu.be/uaB0LtoxzJU
Wealthy, Healthy and Happy Affirmations ▸ Listen Daily for 21 Days https://youtu.be/VQCPe0yPmtM
Invite Joy and Happiness into Your Life https://youtu.be/8FGEjNMsYYQ

#LawOfAttractionAbundance #AbundanceAccelerator #MoneyMindset


This work is never intended to substitute for professional, medical or counseling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help.


Affiliate Disclosure: Unlimited You is part of the Amazon Associates program. I may earn a small commission if you purchase something through any of the Amazon links above.


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