Are you looking for an astrological Tarot reading for Aquarius for December 2020? Watch this reading and enjoy!
How are you Aquarians out there, I hope you enjoy this video. If you would like to explore what makes you tick we can set a private session, just message me. Thank you for listening.
Certified angel Tarot reader
Message From the Universe: A Life to Be Proud of!
One of the many daily motivational messages from the Universe offered by your virtual Therapist and coach. Inspirational advice to keep you motivated in moving forward in life despite the many challenges you will face. Never give up as great things are soon to happen. Love life as it loves you and always trust the Universe and yourself that greatness is yet to come. All our videos covers one specific topic related to life’s hurdles and I am sure that you are presently experiencing one of them at this given moment. Share it with others who may face similar predicaments.
Embrace the HatersIt can be a challenge to distinguish between well intentioned friends and haters. To do so, it’s important to discern others intentions accurately to identify a friend from a hater. Often, haters come disguised as friends. One way to distinguish between a friend and hater is to examine your social circle. Should you find you are unable to recall instances of support or celebration in return for support shown or the equal give and take is very one sided, you may be dealing with a hater or simply a selfish individual.