Are you feeling disconnected from yourself and your surroundings? Is your mind in a constant state of restlessness? Do you derive your sense of self from external things and ideas in your head? If you can relate, then it’s time to enhance your sense of self. Through meditation, you can shift your attention beyond thinking and connect with the beingness behind it. In this article, we will explore how Eckhart Tolle’s 15-minute guided meditation can help you deepen your sense of self and realize the essence of your being.
Eckhart Tolle guides a meditation to shift attention beyond thinking
Eckhart Tolle, a spiritual teacher and author of the bestselling book “The Power of Now,” has transformed the lives of millions through his teachings on mindfulness and presence. In his 15-minute guided meditation, Tolle takes you on a journey of self-realization, where you learn to shift your attention beyond thinking and connect with the presence behind it. Tolle’s soothing voice and gentle guidance help you let go of past and future thoughts and immerse yourself in the present moment.
Most people derive their sense of self from external things and ideas in their head
Many people derive their sense of self from external things such as their job, possessions, relationships, and appearance. Others derive their sense of self from the ideas in their head, such as beliefs, opinions, and judgments. However, these external things and ideas are fleeting and can change at any moment, leaving us feeling lost and disconnected. Through meditation, we can deepen our sense of self beyond superficiality.
Deepening the sense of ‘I’ beyond superficiality is possible through meditation
Meditation allows us to deepen our sense of self beyond the superficial and fleeting externalities. By connecting with the presence behind our thoughts, we can recognize the timeless and formless essence of our being. Through a regular meditation practice, we can cultivate a sense of inner peace and connect with our true self.
Presence or beingness behind thinking leads to a more profound sense of self
Through Tolle’s guided meditation, you learn to shift your attention from the constant chatter of your mind to the presence or beingness behind it. This presence is not a product of thinking but is an underlying field of stillness and aliveness. When you connect with this presence, you experience a more profound sense of self that is beyond your thoughts and feelings.
Realizing the essence of one’s being is not connected to external things or thoughts
In the midst of our daily lives, it’s easy to get caught up in external things and thoughts. We identify with our possessions, relationships, and beliefs, thinking they define who we are. However, this identification leads to anxiety and frustration, as external things and thoughts are constantly changing. Through meditation, we can realize that the essence of our being is not connected to these externalities and that our true self exists beyond them.
Identification with form externalities leads to anxiety and frustration
When we identify with the form externalities, we give them power over us. We become attached to them and fear losing them, leading to anxiety and frustration. Through meditation, we can recognize the impermanence of these externalities and learn to detach from them. This detachment allows us to connect with the formless inner space that is intensely alive and intelligent.
A formless inner space is intensely alive and intelligent
When you shift your attention beyond thinking, you connect with the formless inner space that is intensely alive and intelligent. This space is the source of all creativity, love, and joy. Through meditation, you can tap into this space and bring its qualities to your daily life. You can become more present, creative, and loving towards yourself and others.
There is a deeper eye that transcends physical appearance, thoughts, and history
Through Tolle’s guided meditation, you learn to connect with the deeper eye that transcends physical appearance, thoughts, and history. This eye is the eternal present moment and is always available to us, regardless of our circumstances. When you connect with this eye, you experience a sense of peace and inner freedom that is beyond words.
In conclusion, through Eckhart Tolle’s 15-minute guided meditation, you can enhance your sense of self and deepen your connection with the inner space that is intensely alive and intelligent. By shifting your attention beyond thinking and connecting with the beingness behind it, you can realize the essence of your being and detach from superficial externalities. From this space, you can cultivate a more profound sense of self, one that is beyond thoughts and externalities. So, take a few minutes out of your day and embark on a journey of self-realization through meditation.