How are you Scorpios out there, If you’re looking for an astrological Tarot reading for December 2020 please enjoy this video. If you would like to find out more about how all of this works for you personally, let me know and we can set up a session.
Certified angel Tarot reader
#Scorpio #Astrology #tarot
The Habit Of Our Thinking
When we think about habits, most of the time, we think bad habits such as drinking, swearing, smoking, eating and so on. But if we take the time to ponder on this, we will realise that everything is a habit — procrastination is a habit, wealth is a habit, poverty is a habit, health is a habit.
Tidy Up Tuesdays – What Is It You Need to Declutter?My experience speaks volumes to why “animals” became my clutter – the thing that I collected, kept, and wanted more of, even when it was too many. Even when it was inconvenient, expensive, and added stress to my already busy life. I didn’t realize it filled a loneliness, a void. An emotional memory of that time in my life with Tinker, where I was desperately lonely, with no friends or family nearby. It set the stage for years of trying to fill that void with more animals. The awareness that this was my clutter came to me more recently, as I began my journey towards minimalism.