Are you feeling lost or unsure about your path in life? Do you find yourself grappling with unresolved trauma and searching for a way to heal? In this article, we will delve into the ultimate comparison between a calling and fixing trauma. By understanding the difference between the two, you can embark on a journey that aligns with your true self and leads to genuine growth.
Decipher whether you are creating a solution or following a calling
When you set out to address your trauma, it’s essential to discern whether your actions are driven by a genuine calling or merely a desire to fix what is broken. A calling goes beyond the confines of societal expectations and your comfort zone. It takes you to something new and uniquely you, beyond your patterns. On the other hand, fixing trauma often stems from a place of loneliness and seeking a partner, not a calling.
A calling takes you to something new and uniquely you, beyond your patterns
When you are following a calling, you embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It pushes you to explore uncharted territories and challenge your preconceived notions. A calling doesn’t adhere to societal norms or external validation; it pushes you to create a life that is authentically yours.
A fix is when you feel lonely and seek a partner, not a calling
On the contrary, if you find yourself fixated on fixing your trauma solely to fill a void or escape loneliness, it may not be a genuine calling. A fix is a temporary solution that gives you momentary relief from pain, but it doesn’t lead to lasting transformation or fulfillment.
Understand the difference between a calling and a fix
To move forward in your healing journey, it is crucial to understand the distinction between a calling and a fix. A calling is an inner pull that guides you towards your true purpose and potential. It propels you towards growth and expansion, allowing you to step into your authentic self. On the other hand, a fix is a band-aid solution that temporarily masks the pain without addressing the underlying issues.
Building a business or writing a book to alleviate pain or fear is not a calling
It is common for individuals to harness their trauma as a source of inspiration for creative endeavors such as writing a book or starting a business. While these endeavors can be meaningful and cathartic, they do not necessarily constitute a calling. If the primary motivation behind your creative pursuits is to alleviate pain or fear, it may be more of a fix than a calling.
Consider if pain or potential is the underlying motivation
When evaluating whether you are following a calling or fixing trauma, it is crucial to reflect on the underlying motivation. Are you primarily driven by pain, seeking to escape or numb it? Or are you motivated by the potential for growth, transformation, and self-actualization? By examining your intentions honestly, you can gain clarity on your true path.
Be aware of your true intentions and desires
To discern whether you are following a calling or fixing trauma, it is vital to have a deep understanding of your true intentions and desires. Are you genuinely drawn to a certain path because it resonates with your soul? Or are you pursuing it to fill a void and seek external validation? Being aware of your true self and desires will guide you towards making choices in alignment with your highest good.
Follow your calling to discover new possibilities
If you discover that you are indeed following a calling rather than fixing trauma, embrace it wholeheartedly. Pursuing a calling opens up a world of possibilities and enables you to tap into your unique gifts and talents. It may lead you on a path you never imagined, but one that brings you true fulfillment and joy.
In conclusion, understanding the difference between a calling and fixing trauma is paramount for your personal growth and healing journey. By deciphering whether you are truly following a calling or merely seeking a temporary fix, you can embark on a path that aligns with your true self. Be aware of your intentions, desires, and motivations as you navigate through life. Remember, following a calling leads you to discover new possibilities and embrace the fullness of who you are.
And with that, let us embark on this transformative journey together!