So let us be still an instant and forget All things we ever learned all thoughts We had And every preconception that we hold of What things mean and what their purpose Is Well today I'd like to read to you and Comment on some brief quotes from A Course in Miracles A few years ago I gave a talk about the Cause and miracles in a little bit more Detail The cause in Miracles so I don't know if You have Read it or done it or heard of it It's a channeled Book Which was channeled in the 60s later Part of the 60s And first published in 70 Uh probably 76 And it's been around since then become a Kind of spiritual classic it's one of The few channeled books That are deep and Quite profound It's not for everybody definitely It uses Christian terminology but uh [Music] Reinterprets Christianity So that it becomes a Very deep teaching perhaps that's the
Original teaching Of Jesus It was Channeled by a psychologists clinical Psychologist at Columbia University in New York So She didn't understand the content very Well Having little spiritual background so it Was dictated to her by an inner voice So The aggression terminology is Helpful to some people and to hindrance For others it uses this old-fashioned Language with exclusively masculine Pronouns and God the father and he calling about God As he That may be considered a limitation but You can't be looked beyond that Today I would like to instead of using The entire course here which is a big Book I don't even have it right here This book was published just a little Volume here of quotes from the Course in Miracles And it's called accept this gift Selections from A Course in Miracles Forward by Marion Williamson Published by Tasha Cornerstone Editions And the quotes are quite very short and Beautiful and they
Selected also quotes that are relatively Neutral in the language so you don't get A lot of the Masculine pronouns and uh [Music] Old-fashioned terminology So what I will do today is Just select a few of these very brief Quotes and comment on them This does not mean I'm simplifying the Course in Miracles or reducing it to Something simple With a spiritual text it's very Different from other kinds of texts The it does not work on an accumulative Sense so that the truth can be contained The entire truth can maintained in one Sentence So it operates in the dimension of dabs Not extension Although of course paradoxically the Cause in Miracles has contains lessons One part is the text the other part is The lessons 365 lessons One for each day of the year So it gives you time in that sense But it gives you time Uh because you need time To remove time From your mind so to speak that's a Quite a paradox Some of the is causing Miracle writings Are quite poetic they're almost like Little poems
And maybe I'll start with one of those Little com almost poems They're quite quite beautiful and Perhaps the most profound one that I Will start with comes towards the end of The course Which is a If somebody does the course 360 so it Would be towards the end of the year not Doing the cause This is the longest quote for in our Session today it's so it's actually a a Poem that I will read to you And I think you will appreciate the Beauty of it and then I will comment on The meaning In case you need it you probably don't I don't know yet if I'm going to read it All at once so I read Parts first and Then comment on each part it's about a Couple of pages Well Short pages There will come a time when images have All gone by and you will see you know Not what you are It is to this unsealed and open mind That truth returns unhindered and Unbound Where concepts of the self have been Laid by is truth revealed exactly as it Is That's the first Paragraph
First of the poem Let me just briefly comment There will come a time when images have All gone by and you will see you know Not what you are It is to this unsealed and open mind That truth returns unhindered and Unbound Where concepts of the self have been Laid by its truth revealed exactly as it Is Images have all gone by And you will see you know not what you Are no does that mean Somewhere else in the course it uses the Ancient expression know thyself as one Of the main Purposes of the cause is to teach you to Know yourself Know thyself Don't know if I can find it Andrew doesn't How does that relate to You a time will come when You will realize that you know not what You are how can you know yourself and Then it says time will come with you as A positive thing that you know not what You are Well that's uh easily explained To know yourself you have to let go of Concepts about yourself And when you let go of Concepts mentally Held or concepts about yourself
Then you no longer know who or what you Are On the level of concept And when you have then let go of Concepts Where concepts of the self Have been laid by let go of Is truth revealed exactly as it is So when you surrender mental Concepts About who you are which is Stories narratives Interpretations Then now that I mention of knowing Arises which is deeper or higher yes it Doesn't matter What term you use Than Concepts And Instead of Conceptual knowledge which you let go of A deeper dimension of knowing arises And in that deeper dimension of knowing That is not conceptual it's not based on Thinking The truth of Who You Are Reveals itself So that's The essence of all whether you look at Indian or Tea Hindu teachings Buddhist teachings Mystical Christianity it's all the same Now let's carry on with this poem on the Same theme I call it poem it's just part Of the text
Let us be still an instant and forget All things we ever learned all thoughts We had And every preconception that we hold of What things mean and what their purpose Is Let us remember not our own ideas of What the world is for We do not know Let every image held of everyone be Loosened from our minds and swept away Be innocent of judgment Unaware of any thoughts of evil or of Good That ever crossed your mind of anyone Now do you know him not But you are free to learn of him and Learn of him a new Him being any other person So this action here Points to The clarity that comes And the deepest the Deep realization That comes when you Let Go of thinking basically so let us be Still an instant and forget All things we ever learned all thoughts We had And every preconception that we hold of What things mean and what their purpose Is Let every image out of everyone be Loosened from our minds and swept away
So it's not only about ourselves letting Go of self Concepts It's also about letting go of Concepts That we hold of other people Judgments Concepts conceptualization So meeting another person Without any concepts So you let go of the conceptual knowing So that a deeper knowing arises Be innocent of judgment it says Judgment is basically Interpreting things through thinking Every judgment is a thought Jesus also said do not judge So be unaware of any thoughts of evil of Good that ever crossed your mind of Anyone Now do you know him not once you've let Go you don't know him or her see we have The masculine pronouns But you are free to learn of him and Learn of him new what are you learning You're learning about the deeper Reality of the human being of who he or She is in the essence and then Knowing yourself in the same way now the Good continues Only be quiet You will need no rule but this To let your practicing today Lift You Above the thinking of the world and free Your vision from the body's eyes Only be still And listen
Simply do this Be still And lay aside all thoughts of what you Are and what God is All Concepts you have learned about the World All images You hold about yourself