And it's not a stressful running anymore You actually and if you miss the plane What does it matter it's just you're Standing somewhere else and you're Sitting somewhere else but not on the Plane does it And you're breathing somewhere I need to be on that plane Maybe not Is it really possible somehow to be Present and work fast And nevertheless be conscious at the Same time Interesting Yes it seems at first that when you are In presence it uh Almost seems to people they they are Forced to do things slowly And sometimes I'm described As slow By some people close to me Thank you And it's true But sometimes I can be fast too there Are occasions There are occasions when I'm quite windy It is demanded I can be fast it's Presence Does not have to be slow Remember the famous Zen saying hurry Slowly Hurry slowly translate it into Spanish I think that's a transcript translation So
What does that mean How can you Go fast and yet be present at the same Time It has a lot to do with the focus of Your attention So you're working here If A large part of your attention is where You want to get to the result you want To achieve Then you are working here If you said I can't really put it in Numbers or percentages but I'll do it Anyway So if Eighty percent of your attention is Where you need to be I need to get this Finished and in the meantime this it Creates a tension in you there's a Mental projection where you need to go And in the meantime you are doing this In order to get there If you can be more present and have 80 Percent of your attention reverse it Have 80 percent of your attention in the Doing itself And twenty percent on where you want to Get to because you have to get somewhere Then you can work fast and working fast With presence implies enjoyment of the Activity And not being present Usually implies lack of enjoyment of the
Activity and the rising of stress Or to be working with distaste or some Kind of resistance And that's not good for anybody it's not Good for you for your physical body the People around you So You can practice with practice just Practice with practical things Or even Pretend that you're in a hurry As if you want to have a just a trial Practice Pretend that you're in a hurry and you Need to Get these things Or maybe you don't even need to pretend Because it happens often enough in real Life that you're in a hurry you need to Get ready in order to leave the house or Go out And in Is it possible to do what you have to do Within that space of a few minutes or Whatever time you need to get ready And do it Actually being fully conscious of every Movement And enjoy the energy behind it but it's Really getting in touch with your Conscious attention enjoy the energy That's behind the doing Rather than mentally projecting to the Future do it and that's hurry slowly is
The meaning is that is what that means Um Running the same I If you have to run to catch a plane or a Train or a bus or whatever You can run and be totally centered and Yet run fast So that it's a different kind of running It's some smooth more smooth Less stressful running You will actually enjoy every step of it Because you're not excessively focused On the next moment And of course realizing as the Zen Master says Zen is doing one thing at a time that's Another way of Pointing to this way of Acting and working Zen is Doing one thing at a time which means Giving your fullest attention to Whatever you're doing at this moment Then you know peripherally of course why You're doing it where you want to go to But in the meantime You do it And then you're running And it's not a stressful running anymore You actually and if you miss the plane What does it matter it's just you're Standing somewhere else and you're Sitting somewhere else but not on the Plane does it And you're breathing somewhere
I need to be on that plane Maybe not So that's a it's a practice Of hurrying slowly There's also the tendency in our Civilization to create more deadlines Than are actually necessary for good Functioning of things I find There are often People create for themselves Organizations and so on create Unnecessarily tight deadlines that often Do not allow things to mature And so that's a This has to be done by tomorrow night That's right why And then often they don't even publish Us do that sometimes they bring out Books Some books Ever slow time to they gradually acquire Their readers by word of mouth and so on And some Publishers many Publishers say If not enough books are sold in the First six months Is never printed again That's not even given a chance There are some TV series that may Actually be quite good and they have one Run it's a not quite enough viewers but It was so good it was just allow things To mature a little bit why the constant Deadlines
But you may be trapped in an Organization that does that which barkly Than not because of this world functions So it's ultimately you may have to Create your own organization or If the organization is flexible enough You may be able to create a different Environment I am famous for Not meeting deadlines And the world hasn't collapsed for some Reason But if I were an employee I would have lost my job many times Or probably would have walked out Unless that uh I could have introduced a different way Of doing things if there's room for that That's good