The Battle Between Love and Praise: Which One Reigns Supreme?

The Battle Between Love and Praise: Which One Reigns Supreme?


In the age of social media, where validation and approval are just a few clicks away, a battle rages within us – the battle between love and praise. It’s a battle that comedian and transformational speaker Kyle Cease explores in his thought-provoking video. Through his unique insights and humor, Cease challenges us to examine our relationship with external validation and reevaluate its true significance in our lives.

Being attached to others for approval and praise can block shame in the body.

According to Cease, our desire for praise and approval can often stem from a fear of shame. We become attached to the opinions and validation of others, seeking their approval in order to avoid feeling shame. This attachment, however, can have detrimental effects on our well-being. We start to rely heavily on external validation, compromising our own emotions and neglecting our true selves. By constantly chasing praise, we block shame from surfacing within our bodies, perpetuating a cycle of seeking external validation.

Sometimes feeling shame can occur when nobody sees or understands you.

While seeking praise, we often neglect the fact that true acceptance lies within ourselves. Cease highlights that shame can sometimes arise when we feel unseen or misunderstood. We yearn for someone to recognize and appreciate our worth, but we forget that we possess the power to validate ourselves. The battle with shame can only be won by acknowledging our own value and accepting ourselves despite the opinions of others.

Neutrality is being able to feel great even without praise or attention.

To break free from the cycle of seeking approval, Cease encourages us to embrace neutrality. Neutrality, he explains, is the ability to feel great regardless of whether we receive praise or attention. It is about finding contentment within ourselves and not relying on external factors for our happiness. By transitioning to a neutral state, we release our attachment to praise and create space for self-love and acceptance.

The goal is to move the bar of love from high expectations to being loved no matter what others do.

Cease challenges us to redefine our understanding of love. Rather than seeking love based on high expectations or conditions, he suggests moving the bar of love to a place where we can be loved unconditionally, regardless of others’ actions or opinions. This shift allows us to truly accept and embrace ourselves, recognizing that our worth is not dependent on the validation of others.

Love should be based on your own worth, not just what you do or others’ opinions.

In his video, Cease emphasizes the importance of self-worth. Love, he argues, should not be solely based on what we do or how others perceive us. Instead, it should be rooted in our inherent value as individuals. By cultivating self-love and recognizing our worth, we become less reliant on external validation and establish a stronger foundation for our own happiness.


Kyle Cease’s video on the battle between love and praise offers a fresh perspective on the impact of seeking external validation. Through his insightful and humorous approach, he urges us to question the significance we place on praise and approval. By recognizing our own worth and embracing neutrality, we can break free from the cycle of seeking validation and find true happiness and self-acceptance. The battle between love and praise is one that each of us must navigate, but by choosing love over seeking external validation, we can reignite our own self-worth and live a more fulfilling life.

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